We had quite an eventful Christmas this year. We were supposed to have Christmas eve at Mom and Dan's house but because of the snow storm the week before, we decided to get together and Jen and Randy's instead. After we had dinner and opened presents, Brad and I and the kids went back to spend the night with mom and Dan. About 4:00 in the morning the power went out and we realized that there had been a severe ice storm during the night. We could hear limbs cracking and trees falling outside and didn't know how bad the roads would be. Around 8:00 we decided to pack up our things and try to get off the mountain before any more trees fell and we left just in time. Mom and Dan left about 10 minutes after we did to go have Christmas breakfast with her family and they couldn't get past some big trees that had fallen after we left. We had to take several detours and stop several times to move trees out of the road but we finally made it back home. We were so thankful to be home safely!
Christmas Eve with the cousins - Garrett, Macey, Logan and Tyler

Christmas morning

The picture doesn't even begin to show how much ice there was on the trees and how many limbs and small trees were down

Opening presents Christmas morning after we finally made it home

Later that evening all of Brad's family came over for dinner and more presents.

They really do love each other!